Seguros de Viaje
Antes de viajar, completa tu equipaje con un seguro de viajes. En esta página podrás cotizar y comprar tu seguro de viajes completamente online. Soy Héctor Rojas, representante autorizado de Chubb.
Chubb te ofrece varias cubiertas para tu viaje empacadas en una misma póliza, para que puedas viajar tranquilo y seguro.
Todo el Proceso: Cotizar, completar tu solicitud, pagar tu póliza y recibirla, se hace online desde su celular o computadora. Es muy sencillo, le tomará menos de 5 minutos.
Para cotizar y completar la solicitud haga “click” en el enlace COTIZA Y COMPRA AQUI, siga las instrucciones y al finalizar el proceso, le llegara su póliza de seguro de viaje por coreo electrónico, al instante.
Viaja tranquilo y seguro
CHUBB te ofrece
Pre -Travel Assistance
Some of the services available are as follows:
1. General Advice
a. Business and social customs.
b. Political situations.
c. Medical advice and medical facilities overseas. d. Health precautions, including vaccinations. e. Visa and entry permit requirements.
f. Currency and Banking hours.
g. Time zones and Climate.
h. Driving restrictions.
2. Security Advice
a. Over 135 countries covered and details are updated by a team of impartial security analysts every
day of the week.
b. Terrorist, Kidnap and cultural threats are included in the range of topics covered.
c. Email updates — free concise security updates will be e-mailed daily to the Insured Person's inbox. The
Insured Person must first register. Instructions are contained in the website.
3. Tailored Security Briefings
At the request of any Insured Person, a customized report will be issued which will give security advice
tailored to protect the Insured Person during a specific trip. Such report will be made available within 24 hours of the request.
Non-medical Assistance
a. Replacing Lost or Stolen Documents – Advice on how to obtain replacement of lost or stolen
passport, tickets, or other travel documents.
b. Canceling Financial Cards – Advice on cancelation of lost or stolen financial cards or travelers’
c. Emergency Cash – Advice on how to obtain advance of emergency funds following loss or theft of
money overseas. .
d. Lost luggage location – Advice on how to obtain information for tracking of lost luggage.
e. Business Documents and messages – Advice for forwarding essential business documents
and urgent messages, at the Insured Person’s expense.
f. Legal advice – Chubb Assistance will help the Insured Person with the recruitment of local
legal counsels for his/her defense in civil or criminal procedures.
Interpreters – The referral of interpreters at the Insured Person’s expense.
g. Emergency Travel Agency – twenty four hours Travel Agency service to make emergency
transport and/or hotel reservations.
h. Emergency Messages Service – Emergency messaging service in which the Insured Person
may send or receive urgent messages related to the benefits of this Policy to/ from any place in the World. Under no circumstances Chubb Assistance will be responsible for the content, veracity or form of the information being transmitted.
Medical Assistance
a. 24 hour service – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year multi-lingual service.
b. Medical Expertise – On hand for advice, referral or treatment.
c. Air Ambulance – Assistance with emergency repatriation including use of Air Ambulance or
scheduled flights as necessary and appropriate.
d. Local payment of hospital bills – No need for the Insured Person to use his/her own cash.
Chubb Assistance will guarantee the payment of overseas hospital and doctor’s accounts outside the Insured Person Country of Domicile.
e. Drug replacement – Replacement of essential maintenance medication or prescribed drugs at the
Insured Person’s expense.
f. Arranging overseas hospitalization – Locating and arranging for Hospital Confinement and
monitoring patients in co-operation with the attending local physician.
g. Local Agent – Arranging for the services of a local agent to provide assistance and advice.
h. Funeral Arrangements – Organizing the repatriation of human remains and arranging the
necessary import/export documents.
i. Liaising – With patient's relatives, employer, Medical Practitioners and Hospital Services.
j. Relatives traveling to be with the Insured Person Assisting accompanying relatives of the patient
by arranging and paying for transport costs and additional accommodation costs — door to door.
k. Locating and dispatching drugs – Plus contact lenses glasses blood and medical equipment
which are unavailable at the patient's location.
l. Repatriation of Mortal Remains – Assistance with the Repatriation of Mortal Remains.
In case of a hospital confinement of the Insured Person projected to extend for more than five (5)
days and which is due to accident or sickness during a covered trip, the Company will coordinate and pay for the cost of an Economic Class round trip ticket with origin in the Country of Domicile of the Insured Person for a person designated by the Insured Person, to be on his/her side; also the Company will coordinate a pay for the cost of accommodation of such designated person up to the maximum amount stated in the Schedule of Benefits per day, up to ten (10) natural days per trip and Insured.
If due to delay in the scheduled time of arrival of the flight to its destination airport the Insured Person is unable to board the originally programmed cruise-ship for which he/she has purchased reservation, the Company will pay the costs incurred by the Insured Person up to the maximum amount stated in the Schedule, to board the same cruise-ship at the first possible port of call.
If during a Period of Insurance an Accident occurs during a Journey and causes Bodily Injury to an Insured Person, the Company will pay up to the amounts shown in the Schedule of Benefits and in the percentages stated in the Table of Losses shown in your policy.
If during a Period of Insurance while riding in or boarding or alighting from a Common Carrier for which the Insured Person has a passenger paid ticket, Accident occurs during a Journey and causes the Loss of Life of the Insured Person within ninety days after the date of the accident causing such loss, the Company will pay a benefit equal to 100% of the Principal Sum up to the amounts shown in the Schedule of Benefits .
The Company will pay the covered expenses in the event that the Insured Person dies while on a covered Journey out of his/her Country of Domicile during a Period of Insurance. Covered expenses include:
1. Transportation expenses of mortal remains to the Country of Domicile of the Insured Person. 2. Medical honorary, permits and legal requirements expenses needed to proceed with the
transportation of remains.
3. Embalming, coffin and cremation expenses.
Cancellation, Alteration, Curtailment, Replacement, Rearrangement Expenses and Airline Flight Overbooking
If during a period of insurance an Insured Person is forced to:
1. cancel any Journey prior to the commencement of that Journey; or 2. alter the itinerary or curtail any part of a planned Journey; or
3. rearrange the Journey; or
4. delay trip outward or return departure;
as the direct and necessary result of any cause outside of the control of the Insured Person, the Company will indemnify the Insured Person in respect of Cancellation Expenses, Alteration of Itinerary or Curtailment Expenses, Rearrangement Expenses or Replacement Expenses incurred up to the amount shown in the
Schedule of Benefits for any one Journey.
Covered reasons for Disruption include:
1. Natural disasters.
2. Hijacking.
3. A fire or flood at the Insured Person’s house.
4. An accident in route.
5. Sickness or injury of the Insured Person or immediately Family Members.
6. Sickness or injury of one of the party members accompanying the Insured Person during the trip. 7. Being called to serve on a jury.
If during a Period of Insurance the Insured Person sustains loss of or damage to Personal Belongings during a Journey the Company will pay the Insured Person, in respect of such loss or damage up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for any one Journey.
Personal Belongings shall mean personal articles which are the property of the Insured Person; or property, for which he/she is responsible; and which are taken on or acquired during the Journey.
If during a Period of Insurance the Insured Person becomes ill or sustains injury during a Journey, the Company will indemnify the Insured Person in respect of Emergency Repatriation Expenses.
Emergency Repatriation Expenses shall mean all reasonable costs necessarily incurred in repatriating the Insured Person to the most suitable Hospital or to the Insured Person's home address in his/her Country of Domicile provided that such repatriation/transportation is:
1. Medically Necessary
2. Organized by Chubb Assistance.
Item description
Traveler is elegible if he/she is not younger than six (6) months of age nor older than eighty-five (85) years of age. The maximum age of enrollment is eighty-five (85) and the maximum age to continue participating in this plan is eighty-six (86) years of age.
If the Insured Person’s age is between seventy-five (75) years and eighty-five (85) years of age the following deductible applies:
If the Insured Person becomes ill or sustains bodily injury during a covered Journey, the Company will reimburse the Insured Person in respect of Medical Expenses up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits. This coverage has a deductible of US$100.00 to be the responsibility of the Insured Person.
Elite has the highest limits of coverage; Premium is and intermediate plan; Preferred is the most economic plan.